Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lady 'Yankin'

I have no words for the atrocity that I am about to share with you. Okay, I'm lying. I have A LOT of words for it. I stumbled across it on twitter. I'm sharing this obviously not because I condone it, but because it must be understood that this piece of media is an embarrassment that steps on the progress of women's rights and racial equality ...yes I went THAT far. It's how I feel. I thought for a while about if I would even blog about it much less put the distasteful piece of crap on my blog....but I digress.

Below is a the music video for 'Yankin' by a rapper named Lady.

Where do I begin?
My initial reaction: I sat at my computer and stifled an outrageous, gut wrenching, mind numbing fit of laughter. I couldn't believe it was a legitimate attempt at music.

After I had slept on it, I thought to myself...Why did I laugh?

1. Yankin?.... Where on EARTH did that slang term come from? Granted, she is from Georgia, I am from NYC. I am fully aware of the differences in jargon and vernacular but this was incompetent at best.
2. The lyrical content is that of an illiterate, oversexed, Fifteen year old 3rd grader, from the deepest slums of the earth.
3. The failed attempt at class and wealth.
4. Her name is LADY. I don't know about you, but to me this video doesn't scream 'lady like'
5. She wasn't joking

What pains me is that she's actually a beautiful black woman and this has reduced her to body parts and illiteracy.
How is it possible that you can expect anyone ..much less a MAN to respect you, if you can't respect/ properly represent yourself or your fellow WOMAN. She has next to naked women dancing around in thongs to a song that is basically about drunken sex, and her vagina.

I feel as if she has taken all that Women and African American people have fought for...and wiped her ass with it.
-Simply Disappointed

I welcome and encourage comments :)


  1. It's very sad to me that a woman could brag about her promiscuity and put her private parts on display in a song like this. Women as a whole have worked so hard to be respected by men, which makes this song so backwards to me.

  2. I completely agree! It's sad and pathetic. I am ashamed for her since she, obviously, is not ashamed for herself.
